Marleen Vinkenvleugel

Dutch Artist

‘That I can also share what I have in my practice studio with others, that when someone is touched by what may appear under his or her own hands is the reason why I paint’

Marleen’s intuitive abstract forms of bright colors, shiny gold and copper work has been extensively covered by Dutch and international art press and she was recently interviewed by a national radio station

Follow Your Own Feet

by Marleen Vinkenvleugel

  • ‘The world may be on fire, but in this total chaos, is man able to trust his own feet? By not looking at the movement of someone else's feet, but trusting to stand on his own and move to a place where the world will once again be a beautiful, loving place'.

  • Placrylic on Canvas

  • 60 × 75 cm

  • October 2022

  • £20,000


monica de wit


lital albeldas